House Resolution No. 9821 Article 2

SECTION 4. National Psoriasis Care and Control Program.

– There is hereby established a National Psoriasis Care and Control Program (NPCCP) which shall serve as the framework for all psoriasis-related activities of the government. The NPCCP shall have the following objectives:

(a) Improve the quality of life and lessen the impact of psoriasis to patients;

(b) Prevent and control exacerbations of Psoriasis in patients that leads to more serious illness and deterioration of the emotional and mental health of patients.

(c) Provide timely access to optimal psoriasis treatment and care for all psoriasis patients;

(d) Make quality psoriasis treatment and care more affordable and accessible;

(e) Improve the experience of psoriasis treatment and care of patients and families;

(f) Support the recovery and reintegration to society of the psoriasis patients; and

(g) Eliminate various forms of burden on patients, people living with psoriasis, their carers and their families.


SECTION 5. National Psoriasis Care and Control Council. 

– There is hereby created a National Psoriasis Care and Control Council (NPCCC), hereinafter referred to as the Council, which shall act as the policymaking, planning, and coordinating body on psoriasis control, attached to the Department of Health (DOH). The Council shall provide technical guidance and support and oversee the implementation of this Act, ensuring judicious and best use of available resources for the benefit of all psoriasis patients, especially the most vulnerable sectors of the society, the elderly, women and children, the poor, marginalized and disadvantaged.


SECTION 6. Composition of the Council.

- The Council shall be composed of the following:

(a) The Secretary of Health, or a designated representative with a rank not lower than an assistant secretary, shall be the chairperson in an ex officio capacity;

(b) The Vice-Chairperson shall be elected by the non-ex officio members, from among themselves, and who shall serve for a term of three (3) years;

(c) Ex officio members shall consist of the following:

(1) Secretary of Social Welfare and Development, or a designated representative;

(2) Secretary of Labor and Employment, or a designated representative;

(3) Secretary of the Interior and Local Governance, or a designated representative;

(4) President and Chief Executive Officer of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) or a designated representative;

(5) Director-General of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), or a designated representative;

(6) Two (2) medical doctors, preferably from the Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS) and Philippine Rheumatology Association (PRA), who must be citizens and residents of the Philippines, of good moral character, of recognized probity and independence, have distinguished themselves professionally in public, private, civic or academic service in the field of dermatology and rheumatology, and must have been in the active practice of their professions for at least ten (10) years, chosen from at least five (5) persons recommended by the Secretary of Health, to be appointed by the President for a term of three (3) years; and

(7) Three (3) representatives from the Psoriasis Philippines to be appointed by the council for a term of three (3) years.

The Council shall utilize the services and facilities of the “Disease Prevention and Control Bureau” and/or the “Non-Communicable Disease Office” under the DOH as the Secretariat of the Council.

The non ex officio members may receive honoraria in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations.

SECTION 7. Roles and Functions.

– The Council shall formulate policies, programs, and reforms that enhance the synergy among stakeholders and ensure a well-coordinated, effective and sustainable implementation of the provisions of this Act. It shall, as necessary, create experts’ groups or technical working groups to undertake any of the following key tasks:

(a) Develop integrated and responsive psoriasis care and control policies and programs tailored to the socioeconomic context and epidemiological profiles of the Philippines which aim to make psoriasis care more accessible and affordable, expand psoriasis care to include and promote integrated, multidisciplinary, developmentally appropriate patient and family-centered care, and enhance the well-being and quality of life of psoriasis patients and their families;

(b) Develop the National Psoriasis Care and Control Roadmap with annual targets, priorities and performance benchmarks for the effective institutionalization of strategies, policies, programs

and services in the national and local health care system;

(c) Develop, update and promote, evidence-based treatment standards and guidelines for all adult and childhood psoriasis, of all stages, including the management of its other comorbidities;

(d) Develop innovative and cost-effective psoriasis care service models for effectively delivering integrated psoriasis care in the most appropriate settings and improve patient care flow from primary to tertiary care;

(e) Develop clearly defined patient care pathways and evidence-based standards of care for the network of psoriasis centers;

(f) Set quality and accreditation standards, focused health service facilities, ethical psoriasis research, health care providers, medical professionals and allied health care professionals;

(g) Monitor and assess the implementation of prioritized packages of psoriasis services for all ages and all stages of psoriasis, ensuring that they are provided in an equitable, affordable and sustainable manner, at all levels of care;

(h) Recommend responsive and proactive medicine and treatment access programs, including improvements of core systems and processes related to:

(1) Availability and affordability of quality, safe, and effective medicines;

(2) Increased access to cost effective vaccinations to prevent infections associated with psoriasis;

(3) Diagnostics for psoriasis;

(4) Innovative medicines and technologies; and

(5) Compassionate use of protocols, as necessary;

(i) Establish mechanisms and platforms for multisectoral and multistakeholder collaborations, coordination, and cooperation, especially in health promotion, disease prevention, capacity development, education, training and learning information and communication, social mobilization and resource mobilization;

(j) Establish mechanisms and platforms for patient, family and community engagement, especially on protection and promotion of the rights of patients, carers and their families and their active involvement in multidisciplinary patient care, patient navigation and follow-up care;

(k) Strengthen linkages with local and international organizations for possible partnerships in treatment and management of challenging and rare cases, education, training and learning, advocacy, research, resource mobilization and funding assistance;

(l) Establish a system for program review, monitoring and evaluation, inclusive of financial aspects, and submit an annual report and recommendation to the council on the progress, accomplishments and implementation challenges encountered; and

(m) Secure from government agencies and other stakeholders, recommendations, and plans pertinent to the respective mandates of the agencies and other stakeholders for the implementation of the provisions of this Act; and

(n) A Division Chief for Psoriasis Control Program shall be designated to provide operational, leadership, undertake coordination with program stakeholders and ensure effective and sustainable implementation of the National Psoriasis Care and Control Program (NPCCP). The Secretary of Health, in coordination with the Secretary of Budget and Management (DBM) shall create the additional plantilla positions for health personnel required of the NPCCP.

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